Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Been a few months, dear readers, since I've put up a post, about which I feel guilty, if that brings anyone solace. Many major news stories and other developments on the Death With Dignity front have arisen in that time, too, so I'll get back on it, promise.
Here's my excuse: real life took over with a heavy deadline on edits to the novel I'm wrapping up for shipment to my agent, the birth of my first grandchild, and homework, etc. for the college ethics class I'm taking this semester. Hopefully the latter will have sharpened my perceptions concerning the issues I blog about, and soon we'll see. Thanks for your patience.
New readers, meanwhile, can check out past posts. Some, as the headline indicates, are mainly reportage. Others, like the two pieces on immortality or the one on ensoulment/de-soulment, were intended to be more provocative.

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